IJTIIR adopts an international and national review standard which lays emphasis on research groundwork, novelty and format. Papers that authors submit to IJTIIR must be original work, never published earlier in any medium, and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. It also focuses on whether the paper is based on original research, as well as creativity of research method and rationality of conclusion.
The paper processing chart is as follows.

Publication is a difficult process, and you must be prepared to defend your submission against rejection from both editors and peer reviewers. However, do not be too persistent. Generally, only one letter defending your submission will be accepted for each of the review stages (editorial review and peer review). If you are unsuccessful after sending a response letter, then you should strongly consider selecting another journal.
Through the peer review process, manuscripts should become:
- More robust: Peer reviewers may point out gaps in your paper that require more explanation or additional experiments.
- Easier to read: If parts of your paper are difficult to understand, reviewers can tell you so that you can fix them.
- More useful: Peer reviewers also consider the importance of your paper to others in your field.
Editorial Rejection:
Your paper/manuscript can be rejected if it:
- Lacks proper structure
- Lacks the necessary detail for readers to fully understand the authors’ analysis
- Does not clearly explain which parts of the findings are new science, versus what was already known
- Lacks up-to-date references
- Contains theories, concepts or conclusions that are not fully supported by its data, arguments, and information
- Does not provide enough details about materials and methods to allow other scientists to repeat the experiment
- Lacks clear descriptions or explanations of the experimental design
- Sample characteristics and descriptive statistics
- Describes poor experimental design, or faulty or insufficient statistical analysis
- Has poor language quality