Hello Author! Welcome to International Journal of Trend in Innovative Research (IJTIIR)
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard format (that is provided) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. Author can submit paper with have any number of pages including figures, tables, and references. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation.
“IJTIIR provides offline and online both facilities for paper publication procedure so author can use either offline or online procedure for paper publication.”
Submit your Research Paper offline:
- We have provided predefine template so download this paper template “Sample Paper Format” from www.ijtiir.com and make some necessary changes in your paper.
- Authors have to send Research Paper/Manuscript only .doc, .docx or .pdf file via email on editor.ijtiir@gmail.com
- Do not forgot get mention following details like Research Area (please take reference from predefine IJTIIR Research Area), Title of the paper, Full Name of authors, designation, contact number In the message body of the mail.
- Our Online System will send you acknowledge mail by submitting papers successfully by mail regarding paper submission (online or offline both cases).
Submit your Research Paper online:
- We have provided predefine template so download this paper template “Sample Paper Format” from www.ijtiir.com
- Authors have to Submitted Research Papers / Manuscript in MS Word format only – You will have to submit in any of file extension .doc, .docx or .pdf
- Click on www.ijtiir.com/submit-paper/ for online paper submission.
- Your paper must be written in English Language.
Review Result
- IJTIIR reviewer team will evaluate all submitted research papers by giving rating in predefine areas.
- Following in evaluating research papers
- Inferences
- Unique / Originality in Thought
- Key Strengths
- Areas of Improvement of Unique Content
- Novel Contribution
- Presentation of Research
Acceptance Notification & Submit Documents
- After review process reviewer will give their rating to our system and base on final score our system will give notification to primary author of their research paper accepted or not through email.
- In case of acceptance case, Author have to submit Copyright Transfer form (scanned copy) (Handwritten signed by author) and send mail to editor.ijtiir@gmail.com along with paper unique reference ID.
- In the case of paper rejection, author have to make the modification as per given criteria and resubmit the revise paper
Paper Publication
- After receiving above mentioned documents, our team will publish your paper in 2 to 3 working days
- Once your paper will be published our Online System will send you acknowledge by mail with complete details and live link.
- Author can download certificates of each author, confirmation letter, and published paper from Authors Account Section.
Get Your Certificate
- Authors will download the soft copy of the published paper certificate, confirmation letters, and Published paper pdf file from his/her account after the paper will successfully published
- Our online publication provides softcopy of the certificates. We will provide e-certificate to each author individually (up to 3 authors only), and copy of the published paper with unique identification number